Bluebells 2023/2024
Dates for your diary – Bluebells
Thursday 11th July at 1.30pm
Bluebells Sports Day.
Monday 15th July at 2.00pm
Bluebells Graduation & end of year celebration.
Thursday 4th July
Whole School Enterprise Sale to take place in school time. Children to bring money / small change.
Bluebells Class
The Bluebells team are very excited about the year ahead. If you any questions or queries about anything then please do not hesitate to chat to a member of the team.
The Bluebells team are:
Class teacher: Miss Mullis
Teaching assistants: Mrs Burgess, Mrs Brampton
Forest Schools
Forest Schools will now take place on Monday and Friday afternoons. Children should bring in wellies and appropriate clothing for their sessions. Some of the children will also be joining their year group for regular sessions. Please speak to a member of the Bluebells team for more information about this.
Our PE sessions will now be on Wednesday and Thursday. We are doing 2 sessions of PE based around the varying needs within the group. We ask children to come to school wearing their P.E kit.
Toast is available to buy daily at a cost of £1 per week. Please send your child’s money into school in a named envelope.
In English we will follow The Power of Reading and the Power of Pictures scheme. This ensures your child will have access to quality stories and books. We will also be following Little Wandle reading and phonics scheme and Spelling Shed for spelling. We really love reading and listening to amazing stories.
In maths we will be following Mastering Number and White Rose Maths. Your child has a Numbots and Times-Table Rockstar login, and we will be using these as part of our daily maths lesson.
In Bluebells, we really enjoy giving the children the opportunity to explore the natural world and all things scientific. Each week we will explore science linked to our topic with practical activities and hands-on learning.
TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed
Your child has a login for these programmes. Please speak to a Bluebells teacher if you would like access to these logins to use at home.
Bluebells are very proud to be taking part in Team GB's 'Path to Paris'.
We are tracking all of our daily physical activities and travelling around the world with TEAM GB in the run up to the Olympic Games in August.
This week we have travelled to Egypt and China and Japan.
We are currently on the way to Australia.
Please follow our team at home and log your activities to help us on our way to Paris.
You will need a unique access code that a Bluebells staff member will give you. Please just ask.
Click the link to take you to the Bluebells Team homepage.