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Outwoods Primary School

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Year 6 - Baseball 2024/25

Welcome to Baseball Caps! 

We're really excited to start a new year and have lots of amazing things to look forward to. On our class page you will find all sorts of information about PE days, dates and celebrations of activities and experiences which we'd like to share with you. Please enjoy looking through our pictures of what we have been doing. Do not hesitate to come and speak to us should you have any issues or concerns.

Our teachers are:

  • Mr Hall on a Monday and Tuesday
  • Mrs Hall on a Thursday and Friday
  • Wednesdays will be alternated weekly with Mr Hall and Mrs Hall

Our teaching assistant is:

  • Ms Beard



On a Tuesday we go swimming until Christmas. You will need your swimwear and a towel. Our other PE day is a Wednesday. Just a reminder, our PE kit consists of black shorts or jogging/tracksuit bottoms (in colder months), a white t-shirt, trainers and a hoodie or jacket for warmth (the school hoodies are ideal). Earrings need ideally removing before PE lessons or taping up at least to avoid injury during activities (which you will need to provide).



Maths and Grammar homework is handed out on a Friday and is due in on a Wednesday the following week. The children are given their pages to complete each week and are encouraged to write them into the homework books or diaries as a reminder. A maximum of two house points are given out each week for the completion of both sets. We mark homework as a class to use as an extra teaching opportunity so encourage the children to bring their homework books in every week even if they have not been completed. Homework set is a continuation of what we have learnt during the week. If your child is struggling with the homework set then please do encourage them to speak to an adult so that we can take the time during school to help them.


Set on 13/09/24

Maths p3 & 4

Grammar p12

Set on 20/09/24

Maths p5 & 6

Grammar p25

Set on 27/09/24

Maths p9

Grammar p4 & 5

Set on 11/10/24

Maths p10 & 12

Grammar 37

Set on 18/10/24

Maths p7 & 8

Grammar p19

Set on 25/10/24

Maths p13

Grammar p29 & 30

Set on 08/11/24

Maths p16 & 16

Grammar p17

Set on 15/11/24

Maths p18 & 19

Grammar p31

Set on 22/11/24

Maths p20 & 21

Grammar p38

Please note, if your child is in Mrs Wheeler's maths group, they will not be able to complete the maths homework until Tuesday evening as this won't have been covered until then. If they are struggling to find the time from then onwards, then please encourage them to speak to Mrs Wheeler during a maths lesson.

Those children who are in Mrs Church's maths group have been given separate maths homework as they are on different maths units so the pages listed above are not applicable. The grammar page above is still to be completed. Any questions, please do ask!

Set on 29/11/24

Maths p23 & 24

Grammar p39

Again, those in Mrs Church's maths group have been given a worksheet to complete for their homework, not the pages listed above.

Set on 06/12/24

Grammar p40

Mrs Wheeler's Maths Group p39 & 41

Mr & Mrs Hall's Maths Group p26 & 27



The children have been split into groups for spelling. Your child has been given a spelling sheet for the half term with a list of words on. It would be really beneficial if your child practises these spellings each week ready for the spelling test on a Friday. We are particularly focussing on ensuring that these words are spelt correctly in their writing, not just in the test. Testing your child by using the words in a dictated sentence can help them practise writing whilst having to think about a range of skills, not just spelling a single word.



Autumn 1 - our first topic of the academic year is Why Coventry where we focus on World War II and learn about why specifically Coventry was bombed. Our visit to Coventry's Transport Museum and The Herbert Art Gallery with a diversion through the cathedral will help us to learn more about the impact of the bombing. 

Autumn 2 - this topic - Living on the Edge - is about the extreme environments around the world such as mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. We will head up to the Outwoods on the other side of Westwood Park and spend some time trying to experience the outdoors. 



Autumn 1 - We are reading Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll this half term. We are writing a 1st person recount from the perspective of one of the main characters, a non-chronological report on Budmouth Point (where the story is mostly set) and a suspense story. We will focus on introducing some grammatical terms such as question tags as well as active and passive sentences. 

Autumn 2 - This half term we will be reading two different books, beginning with a non-fiction book called Everything Volcanoes and Earthquakes which links well with our topic Living on the Edge. After this, we will be focussing on poetry and using poems to inspire us to write our own.



Autumn 1 - Our maths this half term is place value. This is really important in ensuring that each chid has a solid understanding of number and the value of each digit. We will be reading and writing numbers in digits and words, rounding, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, negative numbers and comparing and ordering numbers.

Autumn 2 - Maths lessons this half term will consist mainly of fractions. We will be simplifying, comparing and ordering, adding and subtracting, looking at improper and mixed number fractions as well multiplying and dividing.



As we are in the final year of primary school, we are really focussing on promoting independence so that the children are ready for their transition to high school. We encourage them to bring their school diaries in every day (which were given out in the first week), their reading books in daily and to complete homework and hand it in on time every Wednesday.