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Outwoods Primary School home page

Outwoods Primary School

Outwoods Primary School Logo

Year 1 - Beanie 2022/23


Welcome to Beanie's class page. This is where you will find information about what we are learning about as well as things such as homework and weekly sounds.


If you have any questions or queries about anything, then please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. 

The Year One Team







Year One Staff

Beanie Class:

Class teacher – Mr Murch

Teaching assistant – Mrs Holmes


Sombrero Class:

Class teacher – Miss Cope

Teaching assistant – Mrs Cressey




Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please send your child into school wearing their

PE kit on these days.



Toast is available to buy daily at a cost of £1 per week. Please send your child’s money into school in a named envelope.


Summer One Topic - Only We Can Save The World!

This half term we are reading a book called 10 Things I can Do To Help My World. We will be doing lots of learning about conservation, recycling and helping our planet in English and other subjects. In Geography we will be developing our fieldwork skills outside in the school grounds and in Science we will be learning all about different materials and their properties. In Maths we will be learning about multiplication and division as well as measuring in different ways. We will be working especially hard on our phonics skills ready for the year one phonics screening check next half term - practising reading lots of funny alien words!



Each child has their own personal logins to access their school reading books electronically at home. 

In addition to this, the children have a school reading book (selected by the class teacher) and a home shared reading book (that they choose themselves) in their reading folder.


It is really important that the children bring their reading folder into school so they can be read with individually and so that staff can change their books each week.



We know the children have been very busy reading and practising their phonics at home - well Done! From Friday 11th November the children will also be getting maths homework sent home in their folders. We will send maths homework out on a Friday so please return completed homework sheets to school every Friday.


Spelling Books

This half term the children will be receiving a spelling book with spellings to practise at home every week. We will be testing the children each week on the spellings set. Please ensure your child brings their spelling book into school everyday in their reading folder.