Archived Gallery of Good Times - Spring Term
In science, we have been investigating how to separate materials of different sizes. We used a variety of equipment to separate marbles, stones, sand and water. The trickiest part was getting the clean water back but we all managed to find a way.

World Book Day - We enjoyed dressing up as characters from Matilda. We wrote our own 'That's not right' poems and sang some of the songs from the musical.

Year 5 intrroduced year 2 to TT Rockstars. We used our knowledge to start them on their times table journey. We really enjoyed spending some time with the younger children.

Solution or Mixture? - In science, we have been learning about solutions and mixtures. We mixed some everyday items with water to see what happened.

DT - This week, we have completed a DT project. We have designed and build motorised vehicles. We sawed our own wood to make a frame, created an electrical circuit and designed and made the shell.

Music - We have been learning the song The Ghost Parade. We enjoyed using percussion instruments to enhance our final performance of the song.

Stars and Planets Day - We enjoyed learning all about the stars and planets in our solar system. The experience inside the Stardome was exciting.

Soft Landing - We used our knowledge of materials, gravity and air resistance to create a way to be able to drop an egg from the second floor window to the concrete floor without the egg breaking. Some of our designs were more successful than others!

Earth, Sun and Moon - We learnt about the orbits of the Earth and the Moon. Then, we created a model to show these orbits.