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Divorce & Separation

Divorce & Separation

Often when families break up children really struggle. They feel they can't talk to parents because they don't want to upset them, and sometimes children may feel they are the cause. All of this is normal but also can be difficult to deal with as an adult; when you may well be struggling with your own feelings. On this page we hope to share some companies, charities and links which could help.



Cafcass provide information, resources and links to organisations that could help you with a range of different family topics.



There are lots of ways to make it a bit less painful when talking to children about divorce or any other difficult subject. Head to the NSPCC website for support - More advice for parents in their guide for talking about difficult topics.




The organisation now known as Gingerbread has supported single parent families since its conception in February 1918, fighting for the rights and needs of single parents. Check out their website articles on managing separation and  adjusting to your parents splitting up.




Relate has a network of centres across the UK and a group of licensed local counsellors that provide face-to-face counselling and support, on topics such as relationship counselling, family counselling, mediation, children's and young people's counselling. For those who are in more need of a quick chat than ongoing support, they offer 30 minute chats with a counsellor over the phone or on web chat. See their support article about telling children that you're separating.


This comforting, reassuring picture book will help young children come to terms with divorce and separation.


















This bestselling picture book phenomenon about the unbreakable connections between loved ones has healed a generation of readers--children and adults alike.