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Outwoods Primary School

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Year 3 - Fedora 2023/24


Welcome to Fedoras!

We are in year 3 and our teachers are Mrs Godrich (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Maguire (Thursday and Friday).


Important Information

P.E. days - Wednesday and Thursday.  Please remember to come to school wearing appropriate P.E. kit on  these days: a house colour or plain white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers with trainers. For the colder months, we have a bottle green hoodie with the school logo or the children can wear their usual jumper.

Forest schools - We are resting the ground until after Easter so hopefully this will return in the Summer term.


Spelling test - On Friday mornings. Please practise your spellings each day until the test.

Times table test - On Monday mornings. Please practise your times tables by playing on TT Rockstars.

Reading - We read in class everyday,  so please remember to bring your reading book into school everyday. Try to read at home every day too.

TT Rockstars - Please use your login to practise your times tables at least twice a week.



Autumn 1 - Tomb Raiders: We will be finding out about the Ancient Egyptians and how they lived thousands of years ago.

Autumn 2 - Heim: We will be learning about the Saxons & Vikings and their impact on life in England.

Spring 1 - Battle of the Bands: We will be learning about the history of music and how it was influenced by events/trends of the different decades.

Spring 2 -  Bright Lights, Big City: In Science we will be learning about Light and in Geography we will be thinking about our location and comparing cities.

Summer 1 - Virtual Europe: We will be learning about the different countries within Europe.