@Numberblocks- Meet the Number Three | Learn to Count at Home
As we read Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we will be developing our counting skills and comparing sizes within our Maths activities at Nursery. We hope you enjoy this Number 3 episode at home together. How many other items can you find three of at home?
@Numberblocks- The Number Two | Learn to Count
As seen on CBeebies! Watch Numberblocks full episodes on BBC iPlayer: Subscribe for more Numberblocks: Learn to count with the number 2! You can add and subtract 1 to make number 2 bigger or smaller! We are the Numberblocks! Little blocks with big ideas, having a ton of number fun.
5 Little Pumpkins
The children have really enjoyed singing along and counting out the pumpkins this week at Nursery. Why not join in at home too with this simple pumpkin song? Happy Halloween!
Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed | Children Nursery Rhyme | Flickbox Kids Songs
The children have really enjoyed singing '5 Cheeky Monkeys Jumping on the Bed' at Nursery this week.
The Number One | Learn to Count
Learn to count using the number one! She's the smallest Numberblock but she's a part of all the other numbers! We are the Numberblocks! Little blocks with big ideas, having a ton of number fun.