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Gallery of Good Times - Spring Term

Mad Hair Day - We enjoyed wearing mad hair designs to help raise money for the Princess Trust.

Moving Mascots - During DT, we have learnt about pneumatic systems and how they work. We then used this knowledge to design and create a mascot using a pneumatic system.

The Stomach - In science, we have been learning about how food travels down your oesophagus and into your stomach. We used biscuits, apple juice and a plastic bag to model how the stomach and stomach acid break our food down during digestion.

Library Visit - We [aid another visit the Atherstone library. This time, we carried out a quiz to explore the library and help us to locate different types of books. Then we enjoyed reading fiction and non-fiction books and listening to stories.

Dental Nurse Visit - One of our parents in a dental nurse. She came to speak to us about looking after our teeth and was impressed by how much we knew about teeth. We thought about how the science we have been learning might become part of our job in the future.

Teeth - In science, we have been exploring teeth. We investigated what teeth we found in our own mouths and then created models to represent the different types of teeth.

Buddhism - in CARE we had a go at meditating to experience part of the Buddhist culture.

Observing- in Science we have set up an experiment to help us see what would happen if we didn't brush our teeth. We're looking forward to seeing what will happen.

February's times table star of the month - he has worked so hard and has made amazing progress. Well done!

Reading with Reception - On Friday, we finished our book week by sharing stories with reception children. We enjoyed reading the younger children stories and making some new friends.

World Book Day - This week we have been celebrating everything book related and studying the amazing picture book, Journey. We also visited Atherstone library to find out more about how libraries work and share stories.

Homework projects - here are some of the Titanic models we have had in so far. They are so creative!

Music Lessons - Some of our year 4s have been enjoying their keyboard lessons.

Structures - In Design Technology we have been exploring structures and our challenge was to build the tallest tower using art straws. Here are our attempts:

January's Times table star of the month - she has been putting in so much effort with learning her times tables that she now has a completely green heat map!

Orienteering - in PE they had to use mapwork skills to find points around the school grounds and answer times table themed questions. Their teamwork was great with 6 groups successfully finishing all 25 questions, getting every one correct - well done Flat Caps!

Factor pairs - In Maths we have been exploring the arrays we could make for different numbers and found the factor pairs they had.

Debating - In English, we carried out a debate. We decided what we thought the characters in the book should do and then shared our arguments to support our point of view. We also counter-argued against the other side in a debating competition.

Christmas Play - We performed our Christmas play in early January due to a postponement. We all did absolutely brilliantly and thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as spies, singing and dancing.