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Bluebells Wellbeing
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Outwoods Primary School

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Gallery of Good Times


The Circulatory System
In science, we learnt all about how blood moves around our body. To help us understand how and where it travels, we became blood cells! We had to move between the lungs and heart to show how blood becomes oxygenated, before making our way to different parts of the body through blood vessels.  



As part of our musical curriculum this term, we have been learning to play the recorder! In our first lesson, we learnt the B and A notes before playing along to a tune. 


Forest School



Enrichment Week

At the start of Autumn 2, the whole school spent the week learning all about Sir David Attenborough. In Year 6, we focussed on the Planet Earth II episode, 'Islands'. We researched the affects of deforestation on Madagascar, produced graphs to show our results and had a go at recording our own documentary voice overs, David Attenborough style! We ended the week with completing a group project on David Attenborough's life lessons and presented them to the class. 



We had an absolutely brilliant time at Boreatton Park during the final week of Autumn 1. We took part in lots of activities that tested our bravery, perseverance and team-work skills. Although we got lucky with the weather, we spent most of the week covered in mud! After spending so much time outside being active, were all exhausted on the journey home!