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Outwoods Primary School

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Citizenship And Religious Education (CARE) Curriculum

"All major religious traditions carry basically the same message.  That is love, compassion and forgiveness.  The important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."

- Dalai Lama


At Outwoods Primary School, we have designed our CARE (Citizenship and Religious Education) curriculum with the intent that our children will become resilient, accepting, mindful and inquisitive learners. Our CARE curriculum allows children to discover and gain an insight into religions within the world that we live. We see the teaching of CARE is vital for children to understand others beliefs and make connections between their own values. It is our role to ensure pupils are being inquisitive by asking questions about the world around them by allowing pupils to gain high quality experiences.



Teachers at Outwoods Primary School:

  • Use the Coventry and Warwickshire SACRE Agreed Syllabus to base the children's learning upon and support their religious experiences.
  • Plan and deliver engaging lessons that offer children plenty of opportunities to ask questions, debate ideas and enjoy real life religious experiences.
  • Invite religious visitors into the school and organise trips to places of worship.



We measure the impact of our CARE curriculum using the following methods:

  • Evidence of high-quality work is visible in books, classroom and corridor displays, in year group scrapbooks and on class pages on the school website.
  • Children can articulate their learning and joy for CARE through Pupil Voice discussions.
  • Children leave Outwoods with a curiosity and respect for world religions. 


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