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For homework this week, I would like you to complete both sides of the maths fluency sheets, on consecutive days. Can you answer 5 more questions on the second day?

Each Friday, we receive English homework. We can complete this in the book and hand it in by the following Wednesday. The page/pages to complete and the date it is due can be found on the inside cover of the book. This week, our English homework is page 29. 

Each week, we also need to practise our times tables using TT rockstars, read our reading book and practise our spellings. 

Spring 2 Spelling Lists. Remember to grow the sounds and build other words you can spell using the same spelling patterns (graphemes).

Friday 24th March

Revise your speech punctuation with the exercises on page 31 of your English skills book. Due in 29th March.

Don't forget the experiments from the library that you could try at home too.

Friday 17th March

This week, we have set a TT Rock Stars tournament between the two Year 4 classes. Log into your account to take part - only the first fifteen minutes played each day will count!
Good luck.

Friday 10th March Homework

In your English homework book, complete the exercise on page 27 which is about using commas after fronted adverbials.

If you wanted to practise the computing activity from this week, you can use the Photo Editor website.

Spring One Spelling Lists. We learn spelling patterns in school and at home, and have a test on a Friday.

This week we will practise spelling more words with suffixes. Use homework page 34, due in on 15th February.

2nd December

We have been so busy learning our times tables and are becoming much more fluent - well done!

This week for homework, I want you to complete test sheets 9 and 10. At the end of the week, our test will be a mixture of all the different tables we have learnt so far.

As a reader, please have a go at reading something different. This might be a poem, a magazine or a newspaper. Let me know what you chose.

25th November

You are all doing so well learning your times-tables. Keep it up! We keep an eye on TT Rock Stars in class to see where we are improving and where we need to focus. I am glad to see so many of you using the App.

Next week, we will be focusing on the 11x tables. There is an easy pattern you should notice when you write out the times-tables, and this will mean you only need to learn 11x11, 12x11 and 10x11.


Despite all this, your maths book homework is Test 8, revising 3x, 4x and 8x tables - We need to keep all our tables hot in our minds!


For spellings, I have added a link to EdShed where you can play games which are fun and educational. 


It is lovely seeing how much you all love reading. This makes me so happy! Please send me a photo of you reading your favourite thing in your favourite reading place.

11th November 2022


This week, the work in our SPAG book will be page 33, where we practise doubling the consonant before adding the -ing suffix.

This is due back on 16th November, and all children will receive a house-point for completing their homework.

14th October


The children are doing so well learning their times tables - Well done!

Next week, we will focus on building our fluency with the 4x tables. As always, keep practising at home with TT Rock Stars, with playing cards or chanting the Macarena. 


The recorded homework this week is grammar. Look at the ADJECTIVES work on Page 5. An adjective is a describing word. This should be handed in next Wednesday.


Reading is a great way to build your vocabulary - and it is fun too! Try to enjoy a good book every day - you can read yourself or share a book with your family, your dolls or even a pet. You might want to record yourself reading and send me a video!


This week, we will re-visit the spellings from this half term.

30th September

This week we have set Grammar Task page 4 as your homework. Please complete and return by Wednesday.

Keep playing TT Rock Stars to build your tables fluency.

As always, reading daily is not only enjoyable but also builds your reading miles, making reading easier and developing your vocabulary.

Your spellings are on the termly overview - we are on Week 4.

Each Friday, we receive either times tables or grammar homework. We can complete this in the book and hand it in by the following Wednesday. The page/pages to complete and the date it is due can be found on the inside cover of the book.

23rd September

This week we have set Times Tables Sheet One as your homework. Please complete and return by Wednesday. Playing TT Rock Stars will build your tables fluency.

As always, reading daily is not only enjoyable but also builds your reading miles, making reading easier and developing your vocabulary.

Your spellings are on the termly overview - we are on Week 3.

Each Friday, we receive either times tables or grammar homework. We can complete this in the book and hand it in by the following Wednesday. The page/pages to complete and the date it is due can be found on the inside cover of the book.


This half terms spelling lists are below. We have our spelling test on Friday each week.  
It is lovely to enjoy a good book - please encourage your child to read daily. It is a great way to relax before bedtime

At the end of Year Four, there is a National Times Tables assessment. TT Rock Stars is a fun way to get quicker at recalling your tables and each week there will be awards for children in different categories. Please practise for a few minutes each day.