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Outwoods Primary School

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Gallery of Good Work Autumn Term

Art - In art, we have been using the work of Hans Liska to inspire our artwork based on World War 2. We are very proud of the work we have produced.

Science - In science, we have been making our own batteries using everyday resources. We were able to use them to light up an LED bulb. Below the pictures, you will find the link to the video to show you how to make your own battery.

Science - Revising Circuits. We reminded ourselves of our electricity knowledge learnt while we were in year 4. We sorted materials into conductors and insulators and created a variety of circuits.

Maths - Roman Numerals. We learnt about how to read and write Roman numerals, then played a game to help us develop our understanding.

Topic Launch - Building Shelters. We learnt about air raid shelters, why they were needed and then created our own models of them.