Year 2 - Boater 2024/25
Welcome to the Boater's Class Page!
Our teacher is Miss Maddocks and our teaching assistant is Mrs Holmes.

We are very creative in the Boater class and our teachers love to use creativity to make learning memorable and bring learning to life. We care about our friends and look after each other in our class. We have another member of our class who is furry, smudge the rabbit. We all work together to look after him.

Smudge, our class rabbit.
Important Information
P.E. days
Monday and Friday. Please remember to come to school wearing appropriate P.E. kit on these days. white shirts, black shorts and school jumper.
Forest schools
Fridays. Please bring wellies or old shoes and old clothes that you don't mind getting muddy.
Spelling test
On Friday mornings. Please practise your spellings each night upto the day of the test.
Homework is sent home on Fridays, please return on Thursdays for marking..
Daily Reading - Year 2 is a really important year for reading. We are trying to improve our fluency, our prosody and our comprehension skills. We read in school every day so it is really, really important that your child has their reading folder every day.
Reading at home - It is really important that children read at home to a grown up, every day. This will help them to make good progress in all areas of reading.
Reading Folders - Reading books from our reading scheme are very expensive to replace. In an attempt to keep them in good condition, we will only send them home in a reading packet or green school reading folders. Please do not place them in back packs where drinks bottles can spill on them.
Green Outwoods school reading folders can still be bought at the office if you would like one.
Changing Books - On Thursday evenings we will keep your child's reading folder and change their book ready for the next week. please ensure that the folder is in school on Thursday's.
We are sorry, but if your child does not return their book, we cannot provide them with a new book until it has been returned. If your child loses their book or the book becomes damaged; then a charge of £5 will be made
Please use your login to play maths games involving number, improving your ability to add, subtract and solve problems, against the clock. Please practise your number at least twice a week.
Our topics this year are:
Autumn 1 - The Power of Atherstone
Autumn 2 - Remember, remember the 5th of November!
Spring 1 - A Winter's Tale.
Spring 2 -
Summer 1 -
Summer 2 -
Spring 1
Welcome back after the Christmas break. We hope you all had a super Christmas with your family.
Our topic this half term is "A Winter's Tale" which is all about the polar regions of the world. We began our first day of term, with a super topic launch day which the children really enjoyed.
Topic Launch Day - 07.01.25
Today we began our new topic by finding the the 7 continents of the world before we could find out where the polar regions were. We used maps and globes of the world to explore this.

We explored the animals that live in the Arctic and Antarctic and his a sorting activity. We were given blocks of polar ice which had polar animals hidden inside. We imagined we were polar explorers and chipped away at the ice to find out what was inside. We had to say which animal it was and which polar region it can be found in.

In the afternoon we found out about animal babies, particularly those which live in the Arctic or Antarctica. We played animal and baby name matching game and also took part in some DT activities. We made a polar with moving legs using split pins and also made polar bear biscuits.

Science - 09.01.25
Today we planned an investigation on plants. We are thinking about what plants and seeds need to have in order to grow healthily. We set up an investigation to find out.
We planted a seed in 5 different pots. The first pot was a control and had water, soil, sunlight and heat. Each of the remaining 4 pots, had something missing. We want to check each of the four pots against the control pot as this is the one which should grow healthily. We will now watch and wait to see if the seeds germinate.

English - 31.01.25
For the last week our class has been writing about Walruses. Making a link to our topic work on the polar regions of the world, We have been writing a report about walruses. We have been writing paragraphs to answer questions that we chose to include in our writing. We put the report together as an information poster. We are really proud of our work and we can't wait to display them!

Art - 07.01.25
Today we put up a display of our finished art work in the Year 2 art Gallery. Last half term we studied an artist called Marlina Vera. She is a cubist painter who paints portraits of people in bright colours. We have been learning how to draw and paint people. We painted our own portraits in the style of Marlina Vera.
Here are our finished pieces of art work.

Autumn 2
Welcome back to the new half term. We hope that you enjoyed your break.
We began our first day back with a super topic launch - "Remember, Remember, the 5th of November." We will be finding out about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot and why the group of people he joined, wanted to kill the King of England.
Numbots Launch Day 7.11.24
We launched the Numbots app with year 1 and year 2 today. Children had a brilliant day dressed as Robots like Rusty, one of the robots in the Numbots scrap yard. Children had great fun finding out about how the app works, the games they can play on, meeting the characters and even selecting their own robots. Children can earn coins for the number of questions they get right. They can use the coins in the shop to buy outfits for your robot.
Some of the wonderful costumes the children made with their parents, are on display.
Congratulations! 14.11.24
A huge well done Mason (1st), Freddie (2nd) and Hope(3rd) who have played the highest number of games and achieved the highest number of coins so far to spend in the scrapyard shop. Children have been working hard to be top scorer on the leader board.
Well done children!

Autumn 1
Welcome back to the new term and a brand new school year. We are looking forward to a wonderful year in Year 2 as the Boater's Class.
Today we launched our new topic "The Power Of Atherstone." this topic is about the history of Atherstone.
We launched our topic by finding out why every class in school has the name of a hat. We discovered that Atherstone is a famous hatting town and there were five hat factories in Atherstone over the past two hundred years. Many of the children have relatives who used to work in the hat factories.
Every class has the name of a different hat.