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Outwoods Primary School

Outwoods Primary School Logo

Forest School


Outwoods Forest School is a truly exciting place to be and we are currently developing our forest school areas. Our main Forest school is in the wildlife area next to the field, and we are planning an Early Years area that will be developed in the near future. 


All children get access to Forest School throughout the year with our fully trained Forest School practitioner. The children get the opportunity to experience a real sense of outdoor learning and truly love being outdoors, where they gain a greater understanding of the environment and a sense of awe and wonder of the natural world. 


The children are able to develop their physical strength and coordination through demanding fine and gross motor skills and have to cooperate with one another to succeed, which helps to develop their team building and social skills. They take part in a wide range of activities such as crafts, shelter building, investigating mini beasts, identifying and planting trees and flowers, and cooking on an open fire (a guaranteed favourite). They also have the opportunity to use a range of tools, such as a bow saw, hand saw, auger, mallets and loppers. 


We offer time for group reflection at the end of each session, allowing space and time to explore thoughts, feelings and experiences with others. During this time we encourage expression of individual points of view and explore the understanding that all experiences are different and personal. This helps to develop a sense of belonging to the wider world, being part of something bigger than themselves and encouraging a spiritual connection with the world around them.


Above all, the children love rolling around in the mud and not getting told off for it!!!


Making pancakes outdoors on the fire pit!