Year 2 - Top Hat 2023/24
Welcome to Top Hat Class! We hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful website page where you can find out all about our fantastic learning.
Year Two Staff
Top Hat Class:
Class teacher – Miss Murphy
Teaching assistant – Mrs Holmes
Boater Class:
Class teacher – Miss Cope
Teaching assistants – Mrs Pearce and Mrs Foster
Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days.
Toast is available to buy daily at a cost of £1 per week. Please send your child’s money into school in a named envelope.
Autumn One Topic - The Power of Atherstone
This half term we will be finding out all about our amazing town - Atherstone! In English we will be reading an exciting story called Traction Man and doing lots of different writing about the story. In Maths we will be learning all about the place value of 2 - digit numbers and we will be continuing to practise our number bonds to 10 and 20. In Science we will be investigating different materials and their properties and conducting some interesting experiments. Our History work will be all about Atherstone - including our famous hatting factory.
Forest Schools - Autumn Two
Our Forest School dates for the Autumn Two half term are:
Friday 24th November
Friday 8th December
Autumn Two Topic - Remember, Remember the 5th of November
This half term we will be learning all about fireworks, why we have fireworks and about Guy Fawkes too! In English will be reading a brilliant new story about a King who banned the dark and in Maths we will be doing lots of work on adding and subtracting, including number bonds and fact families. In Science we are continuing our learning on materials and their properties and we will also be planting bulbs that will grow in the Spring! We will be leaning and thinking about remembrance, symbols of remembrance and creating beautiful art work including poppies
Reading Folders
The children each been given a school reading book, reading diary and folder. It is really important that the children bring their reading folder into school each day so they can be read with individually and so that staff can change their books each week. We hope you are all enjoying reading and sharing lots of books together at home and please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the year two team if you have any questions about, or need any support with reading at home or school.
Spring One Topic - Winters Tale
To start the new year we will be enjoying a snowy and icy themed topic! We will be learning all about the Polar regions and the animals that inhabit them. In English we will be reading a brilliant story entitled Emperor's Egg - a tale about an emperor penguin and it's egg. In Maths we will be learning about multiplication and division and also how to solve problems using these operations. Our Science learning will be about humans and animals - focusing on how humans and animals grow and change. Our History work will take us on an exciting adventure all about the polar explorers of the past!
Forest Schools Dates - Spring One
Our Forest School dates for this half term are:
Friday 19th January
Friday 2nd February