Year 5 - Beret 2022/23
Welcome to Year 5 Beret Class!
We’re really glad that you’ve taken the time to visit our class page. Remember to visit our page regularly to see important messages, updates and lots of photos to show what we have been up to.
Our current topic this half term is World War II. We are really busy learning all about it.
The staff members in our class are:
Mrs Hall – teacher four days a week
Mrs Nucci - teacher on a Thursday
Mrs Jackson – teaching assistant
Mrs Smith – teaching assistant
On this page you can find information about homework, spellings and times-tables.
You will also be able to find useful links to Spelling Shed, Purple Mash, Times-table Rockstars, Welearn365 homepage and Microsoft TEAMS.
Keep an eye out for photographs of our adventures and amazing learning in our
'Gallery of Good Times'.
PE DAYS: Monday and Tuesday
Children can come into school in PE clothing on those days. It should consist of a coloured t-shirt linked to their house group (red for ash, blue for oak, yellow for lime and green for birch), black shorts or joggers, trainers and a hoodie or jacket. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings are either out or taped up.
Year 5 topic and science:
Autumn 1: Why Coventry? (WW2)
Autumn 2: Living on the Edge (Extreme environments)
Spring 1: Fighting Fit (Animals and humans)
Spring 2: We can be heroes (Significant people and historical events)
Summer 1: Road Trip USA (Location places and knowledge)
Summer 2: Glorious Greeks (The Ancient Greek Society)