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Outwoods Primary School home page

Outwoods Primary School

Outwoods Primary School Logo

Year 5 - Bowler 2023/24

Welcome to our class page!

Keep an eye out for photographs of our amazing learning in our

'Gallery of Good Work'. 


A very warm welcome to Bowler Hats class page.

On this page you can find information about homework, spellings and timestables.

You will also be able to find useful links to Spelling Shed, Purple Mash and Timestables Rockstars. 


Staff in Year 5 Bowler Hats: 

Teacher: Mrs Bird

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bragg (Monday to Friday) and Mrs Deakin (Monday-Wednesday)


PE DAYS: Alternate Wednesdays and Tuesday afternoon

Children can come into school in PE clothing on those days. 


Forest School: 

Children in Year 5 will be taking part in Forest Schools. Their sessions will be every other Wednesday - and they can come into school already dressed - and bring their uniform to change into after session. 

Our Forest Schools sessions this half term will be on:


5th June

19th June

3rd July



During this half term (Summer 2),  we will be learning about life in the Stone Age.  For English, we will be reading Ug, The Boy Genius,  to help us develop our writing and reading skills. In maths, we will be learning about coordination, translation and symmetry.