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Bluebells Wellbeing
Outwoods Primary School home page

Outwoods Primary School

Outwoods Primary School Logo


The Boomerang program is a comprehensive and practical program aimed at developing resilience and  promoting wellbeing and positive mental health across school communities, assisting children in developing a wide range of coping tools and strategies for success. 

This program helps equip children to develop self-awareness by looking at various aspects of wellbeing including thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is designed to help increase resilience and decision making.

The children will explore problem solving skills, self-esteem, relaxation and other ways to look after themselves, including identifying how and who they can get support from. It enables them to learn that looking after themselves emotionally is as important as looking after themselves physically. Aimed mainly at 8-9 year olds, this 6 week program helps young people learn about the experiences of everyday life. Home learning materials will be sent home with the child to try some activities with their parents/carers. This program helps children build the foundations needed to take them into Year 5 and beyond.  



Social Lunchtime Group

This group is to help children learn about friendship, what makes a good friend and how they can be a good friend to others. It includes helping children to become more resilient, more socially adept, team building skills and help with problem solving. 

The children enjoy playing games and role play, helping them to learn more about dealing with social situations they will encounter through day-to-day school life.