Year 1 - Beanie 2024/25
Welcome to Beanie Class
Our class teachers are Mrs Carr and Mrs Pearce.
PE Days
Our P.E. days this half term will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please send your child into school wearing appropriate P.E. kit on these days.
This half term our Topic is 'Only we can save the World'.
In class, we have been using the book '10 Things I can do to save the World' to discuss a range of ideas on how we can help Earth.
The children have been sad to see the damage that is occurring to our planet and learnt about things such as recycling, deforestation and plastic pollution. They have designed some amazing posters to advise other people of ways we could help our environment and even completed an assembly to share their ideas with the school community.
'Three Billy Goats Gruff' has allowed the children to look at the world in a different way and understand why the goats may have wanted to cross the bridge as the grass 'really' was greener. The children have been introduced to adjectives to describe the settings and characters in the story and will complete their own rewrite of the events which occur.