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Outwoods Primary School home page

Outwoods Primary School

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School Parking

Car parking at the beginning and end of the school day is a problem at most primary schools. Children and parents arrive and depart in a relatively short period of time and this causes congestion.


For Breakfast Club we allow vehicles onto the school site up until 8:15am. Beyond this time we ask that only staff vehicles access the school car park. For Superstars, we allow vehicles onto the school site to collect but only after 4:00pm.


For after school clubs, we ask parents not to use the school car park and to collect their children at the front office– either upper or lower school.

Safety within the site has improved, but considerable danger still exists outside the school gates.


There have been instances of:

  • cars entering the school site at peak times when children are arriving/leaving
  • cars stopping or parking on the restricted yellow marked areas outside the gate.
  • cars driving along pavements to get around congestion
  • periodic complaints from residents about drivers’ behaviour and vehicle obstruction.


So, please walk to school if you can. If you have to come by car, try to share trips with neighbours or friends, observe the traffic regulations and park properly  in the surrounding residential roads. The school has a duty of care to its neighbours. Parking on restricted areas or mounting the pavement is a traffic offence.