Tuesday 11th July
Please find attached this week's Maths homework. Please complete and return by Tuesday 18th July.
Tuesday 4th July
Please find attached this week's Maths homework. Please complete and hand in by Tuesday 11th July.
Tuesday 27th June 2023
Please find attached a copy of this week's Maths homework. Please complete and hand in by Tuesday 4th July.
Tuesday 20th June 2023
Please find attached a copy of this week's Maths Homework. Please complete and hand in by Tuesday 27th June.
Tuesday 13th June 2023 - Maths Homework
Here is a copy of this week's Maths homework. Please complete and hand in by Tuesday 13th June 2023.
Remember - children bring home weekly spellings to practise at home. (They have notebooks to use for this)
Daily reading is a main part of our weekly homework. It doesn't matter what they read - everything counts! The children change their books in school regularly so have something to share. Please record your comments in their reading diaries.
Children all have log ins for TT Rockstars and should be playing on this throughout the week - we can really see the improvement by those children who are playing regularly!
Please make sure you are logging onto Collins e-books to read at home! All children have been given a log in to use and we add new books every week.
In Science we are learning about different materials and their properties. Have a look around your house for something:
Made of metal
Made of plastic
Which material are things mostly made from?