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Outwoods Primary School

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Friday 19th April 2024

Please complete page 26 in your English grammar books. 


Over the Easter holidays, please complete the grammar work on page 15 of your homework book, where you can practise using pronouns.

Also, next half term, we will be learning about Europe. It would be great if you could choose a country to research. You might make a poster, a fact file or a presentation. Find out about where the country is, the flag, language, sights and culture. You could try different foods from different regions.

Friday 15th March 2024

Children will complete their spelling tests on Monday and will also be given their homework. This is due to disruptions from the concert and many children leaving early. 


Friday 1st March 2024 

Please complete the test indicated at the back of your times table workbook. 

Friday 23rd February 2024 


Please complete page 15 in your English grammar books on pronouns. 

Friday 9th February 2024 

Please complete the test indicated at the back of your times table workbook.  

Friday 2nd February 2024 

Your homework this week is a small project to research your favourite genre or decade of music that you can collect information on. The idea is that this will be used to write a non-fiction piece about music through the decades. You can choose your favourite or one that you want to find out more about. 


You can collect information any way you wish whether this be recording ideas on notebook paper, jotting ideas on a piece of paper or making a poster, your choice! smiley



Friday 26th January 2024 

Please complete page 11 in your English grammar books on adverbs. 

19th January 2024

Please complete the test indicated at the back of your times table workbook. 

12th January 2024

Please complete page 7 on 'have and has' in your English grammar book. 

24th November 2023

Please complete page 12 in your English grammar book on expanded noun phrases. 

17th November 2023

Please complete the test indicated at the back of your times table workbook.  

9th November 2023 

Please complete page 14 in your English grammar books on sentences. 

27th October 2023

We have set up a TT rockstars tournament for over the half-term holiday. Please complete by logging in and collecting points!

20th October 2023

Please complete the test indicated at the back of your Times Tables book. Please complete only the one test given as homework for the week. 

22nd September 2023

Homework for this week will be in the children's new times tables book. You will find their TT rockstars log-in stuck in the front page. They will need to complete Test 1 on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 

Please continue to practice spellings and log in to TT rockstars to practice more of these.