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Outwoods Primary School

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Our weekly homework tasks will be listed here each Friday.




-  Miss Maddocks' maths group, please complete pages 29 and 32 in your maths workbook.

-  Miss Cope's maths group, please complete the worksheet on column addition in your homework folder.

TT Rockstars  - please complete at least one game.

Reading  -  please try to read each night to a grown up.

Spellings  -  please practise daily.  (see list in the spellings sections)




-  Miss Maddocks' maths group, please complete pages 30 and 31 in your maths workbook.

-  Miss Cope's maths group, please complete the worksheet on column addition in your homework folder.

TT Rockstars  - please complete at least one game.

Reading  -  please try to read each night to a grown up.

Spellings  -  please practise daily.  (see list in the spellings sections)





-  Miss Maddocks' maths group, complete pg 25 and 26 in your maths workbook.

-  Miss Cope's maths group complete maths workbook pages printed on the slip in your homework  folder. 

TT Rockstars  - please complete at least one game.

Reading  -  please try to read each night to a grown up.

Spellings  -  please practise daily.  (see list in the spellings sections)



24.06.22   and 01.07.22    

TT Rockstars  - please complete at least one game.

Reading  -  please try to read each night to a grown up.

Spellings  -  please practise daily.  (see list in the spellings sections)