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Bluebells Wellbeing
Outwoods Primary School home page

Outwoods Primary School

Outwoods Primary School Logo


My name is Fiona and I am a qualified yoga and mindfulness teacher, working in schools to help enhance children’s well-being. Outwoods Primary School is a wonderful place to teach, and I have been part of the school team now for over 8 years.

I work with small groups and sometimes do 1:1 sessions helping children to bring balance to body, mind and spirit. The yoga sessions are fun and non-competitive therefore encouraging and building self-esteem and confidence. These classes are tailored to the needs of the group and include yoga postures, games, breathwork, singing, chanting and relaxation. The aim of the sessions is to strengthen muscles, develop coordination, boost the immune system and help to relieve stress and anxiety. The children also develop communication skills and are encouraged to listen to others in a kind and compassionate way.

It is always so rewarding to see the children leaving the session with a big smile on their faces, feeling happier and relaxed! In the warmer weather - we hold our sessions outside in the sunshine.