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Celebration Gallery Archive: 2024-2025


Decorate an Easter Egg Competition & Easter Raffle Hampers!

Red Nose Day Pudding!

Well done to the Year Four Pupils who made an excellent presentation for the Warwickshire Library Services, bringing home a trophy and certificates.

Last term, the Year Four classes enjoyed reading The Singing Ringing Tree by Jane Ray, and the libraries competition challenged us to have a creative response to the book. As well as artwork, we have enjoyed drama and music, which the girls presented clearly and confidently.  Well done!

World Book Day 2024!

Year 3 & 4 loved trying out different circus skills when the Joy Circus visited us on Friday.

It was really difficult balancing on the different bikes, but Macie was in her element. "It was fun because it's fast and dinky!"

Some children showed great resilience, mastering the hat flip! "It's really tricky getting the hat in the right place and dead frustrating when it landed upside-down." (Ollie)

It was fabulous watching children learn how to juggle - and the joy was evident to see.

After persevering, Tahlia, Alice and Jasmine felt great walking on stilts.

As part of their DT project, Panama class are looking at making the treats we enjoy healthier. Over the weekend, some of the children tried our dead-easy, really tasty banana ice-cream. Ollie said, "It's delicious!"


You will need:

  • 1 banana


  1. Peel the banana

  1. Chop it into 2cm chunks

  2. Pop into the freezer overnight

  3. The next day, mash your banana (if it's a bit too hard, let it soften for a while).

  4. Finally, enjoy this nutritious treat!

Reception were very lucky to have a Drama company come in and run a workshop for them.  As the children have been reading 'The Tiger who came to Tea' a special emphasis was put on to this story and the children acted out the characters (with many of them being pieces of furniture and props) to encourage them to see how everything is important within the story and how drama can allow them to be anyone or anything.  They were also able to act out many of the animals which we have been discovering throughout our 'Roar' topic and think about how the movements could be used to demonstrate which animals they were.  Everyone had lots of fun and they really enjoyed expressing themselves and learning new skills. 

Bluebells and KS1 after-school club are busy working towards the Hedgehog Friendly Award mark. This week we have taken delivery of some old bricks which we are turning into a hedgehog house. Bluebells have worked hard to carry the bricks and make a model of the house. We just need to find the perfect place for it in the woodland area. 


There's something growing in the Bluebells garden! We have started to transform our outdoor area in Bluebells into a sensory landscape. We have already planted 5 fruit trees, which will be amazing in Autumn and this week we have been busy planting willow to create our very own living den and willow sculpture area. Very exciting!