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Outwoods Primary School

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In Maths we will be using the schemes of Mastering number and White Rose.  


Both of these schemes provide ample opportunities to investigate numbers with physical resources (concrete) before moving onto maths scenarios with pictures (pictorial) and then numbers themselves (abstract). 


This approach provides a deep and sustainable understanding of maths for our children, allowing them to relate our work with numbers into their everyday lives.



In class we have been reminding ourselves of the rules of counting. 


Stable Order - saying each number name in order

One - to - one correspondence - We only count each item once 

Cardinality - the last number we say is the number we have 

Conservation - there are the same number of items irrespective of it they are spread out or close together

Order irrelevance - it doesn't matter which order we count the items in


We have counted forwards and backwards ensuring that we know the number order.  We have learnt about 'one more than' and 'one less than' and identified the tools that we can use to help us find the solutions to these questions.  We have also learnt that we can use counters to represent objects as we may not be able to bring 11 elephants into school!!! 

Finally we have looked at how we set work out in our books to allow us to work with numbers later in the year and have looked at the differences and similarities of number lines and number tracks. 


We have been VERY busy learning all of these things and we are looking forward to the next module.