Bedtime Stories | Mr Tumble reads The Gingerbread Man | CBeebies
Bedtime Stories | Mr Tumble reads The Gingerbread Man | CBeebies 📺Watch CBeebies full episodes on BBC iPlayer ❤️Subscribe to CBeebies YouTube Channel 📚For more CBeebies Bedtime Stories visit - CBeebies, Mr Tumble is reading tonight's bedtime story, The Gingerbread Man. Run, run, as fast as you can!
Tumble Tales: Three Little Pigs | Mr Tumble and Friends
Mr. Tumble tells us a very special version of the classic tale, the Three Little Pigs. Watch Something Special of BBC iPlayer 👉 Something Special uses songs, rhymes and visual humour with Makaton sign language to help its audience learn how to communicate as well as develop their language in a fun and exciting way.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt performed by Michael Rosen
We will be having so much fun reading this story after Christmas! We hope you enjoy it too!
Watch Michael Rosen perform the much-loved family favourite, We're Going on a Bear Hunt!
CBeebies Little Red Riding Hood Song
To find out more visit - Sing and dance along with Maddie and Nigel to the Little Red Riding Hood song from the CBeebies Ballet! CBeebies is dedicated to delighting and surprising its pre-school audience and it remains the UK's most watched and most loved channel for the under-sixes.
Room on the Broom Song Julia Donaldson Read Aloud Children's Storytelling Animation - Savannah Kids
We hope enjoy this version at home!
Alphabet Song - ABC Song
We have really enjoyed singing this song at School!
The Rainbow Fish
We are going to be reading a book called 'The Rainbow Fish' over the next couple of weeks as we discover how to share and make friends as part of our 'Marvellous Me' topic. We hope you enjoy watching it at home using the link below.
Elmer The Patchwork Elephant - 'Be A Rainbow' Music Video 2019
We will begin the Autumn Term by reading 'Elmer' who is a very special elephant indeed! We will be celebrating our differences as we explore and learn about each other through our first topic, 'Marvellous Me.'
We hope you enjoy watching this video about Elmer with your children at home and thinking about what makes you and your child different and special