Reception - Cowboy 2022/23
Welcome to the Cowboy Hat Class page.
Our teachers are- Mrs Newton, Mrs Deeming and Mrs Wyatt.
In Reception we take pride in helping your child settle into their first year at school by providing a nurturing environment.
We have lots of exciting opportunities to learn and explore through play, following our range of topics.
Our topics for this year are:
Autumn 1 - Marvellous Me!
Autumn 2 – Light and Dark
Spring 1 – All Creatures Great and Small
Spring 2 – Once Upon a Time
Summer 1 – Roots, Shoots and Muddy Boots.
Summer 2 – All Aboard!
Summer 1 - This half term our topic is 'Roots, Shoots and Muddy Boots' and is all about growing. We are looking at the life cycles of animals and will have the opportunities to see how caterpillars change to butterflies and how seeds can grow and change into flowers. As we look at the human life cycle and what is needed to grow we will also consider healthy eating and what we need to keep us healthy.
Spring 2 - Our half term topic is 'Once upon a time' and we have been looking at traditional tales and how these stories were told to our parents and grandparents before us. Our class texts of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' have provided opportunities for us to discuss the stories in detail and think about the emotions that the characters may have felt at each stage of the story. Our children have even considered ways they could make the three bears feel happy and how they could say a special sorry to the giant for stealing his things.
Spring 1
This half term our topic is ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. We will be learning all about pets and how to look after them. Our Power of Reading text ‘Luna gets a cat’, explores all about taking care of a pet and the responsibilities this involves. We are having an exciting visit from the ‘Animal Lady’ who will bring in some real pets for us to hold and ask questions about. Then we will be learning about farm animals and how they differ from pets. We will be reading the text ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ in literacy, which is set on a farm.
Autumn 2
We started the half term off with an enrichment week about David Attenborough and his series ‘life in colour’. We focused on the birds seen in the series- peacocks, parrots and flamingos. We talked about colours and how to colour mix to make new colours. We used these colours to create collaborative artwork of these amazingly colourful birds!
This half term, our Power of Reading text is Owl Babies and as part of this we will be observing changes in the natural world and exploring British wildlife and their habitats. We will also be learning about celebrations and traditions and how these are similar or different to our own experiences.
Autumn 1
Our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic will provide opportunities for us to get to know each child on an individual basis, to allow us to make as much of their learning relatable to their own lives. We will look at different families and the people in our community. We will also look at the artist Paul Klee and his artwork “The Face”.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday- Please send your child into school wearing named P.E. clothing.