Our Governing Body
Governing Body Composition
John Cressey | Chair Co-opted | 2022 - 2026 | Health & Safety Governor Appointed to Chair - 3/10/24 | Finance and Resources Committee Performance and Standards Committee Pay Committee |
Rachel Bird | Co-opted | 2023 - 2027 |
| Performance and Standards Committee |
Madeleine Dewis | Vice Chair Parent | 2023 - 2027 | Special Needs Governor Appointed to Vice Chair - 3/10/24 | Finance and Resources Committee Performance and Standards Committee Pay Committee |
Neil Dirveiks | Local Authority | 2021 - 2025 |
| Finance and Resources Committee |
Gilly Hall | Staff | 2022 - 2026 |
| Performance and Standards Committee |
Alexandra Ford | Parent | 2023 - 2027 |
| Finance and Resources Committee |
Clare Maguire | Co-opted | 2019 - 2023 | Performance and Standards Committee Finance and Resources Committee | |
Martin Short | Co-opted | 2019 - 2023 |
| Performance and Standards Committee |
Ashley Wickham Young | Co-opted | 2024 - 2028 | Performance and Standards Committee | |
Sally Taylor | Headteacher | 2020 - ongoing |
| Finance and Resources Committee Performance and Standards Committee Pay Committee |
John Cressey
John Cressey | Chair Co-opted | 2022-2026 | cressey.j@welearn365.com | Finance and Resources Committee Performance and Standards Committee Pay Committee |
Hi, my name is John Cressey and I am one of the governors that help to ensure the school delivers the best possible learning experiences for our children. I’ve been a member of the governing board since 2018.
Having moved to the area in 2013 I have seen all 3 of my children progress through the school with our last child leaving for secondary school in 2022.
I thoroughly enjoy my role as a governor, the most enjoyable aspect is the school visits, watching the children enjoying their learning & listening to them share their work is great fun !
As a family we have 2 cocker spaniels, Mollie and Peggie, along with a Tortoise called Oogwai. I’m an avid reader, as a child my favourite author was Enid Blyton, I now enjoy autobiographies and thrillers.
Rachel Bird
Rachel Bird | Co-opted | 2022-2026 | bird.r@welearn365.com | Performance and Standards Committee |
I joined the governing body here at Outwood’s around April 2022. I have experience of being a governor in the past in another primary school, and have also been a clerk for another school governing body. I have a good understanding of the role and functions of a governor - to be that critical friend, to ask the right questions, to see the best progress for the school. I have a wide experience of working in various roles in the charity and education setting with children and young people and find working with them so rewarding and fulfilling. I am passionate about ensuring a school is meeting a child’s holistic needs and believe that wellbeing, parent engagement and equal opportunities for all will bring out the best learning from the children. I sit on the governing body as a Copt governor through our Restore Collective charity that works in Atherstone and Mancetter. Our charity mandate is to see people enabled and empowered to thrive and being a governor for me is about that too, supporting the school to ensure the right things are in place for that to happen for every student. All my children attend or attended Outwood’s and I am wanting to ensure the strong ethos and values of the school continue to go from strength to strength, because I have seen the positive impact first hand with my own children growing here.
I have a border terrier called Bailey who keeps me on my toes! I like chocolate a bit too much, so I also go running regularly to compensate. I like reading a good book but rarely get the chance! I enjoy having coffee and chat with friends and an occasional binge watch on Netflix.
Martin Short
Martin Short | Co-opted | 2019-2023 | Short.m1@welearn365.com | Performance and Standards Committee |
Hi, my name is Martin, and I’ve been a governor at Outwoods for quite a few years.
I used to be a teacher, and, having visited lots of other schools in the course of my work since leaving teaching, I’m able to recognise confidently that Outwoods is a very good school, well organised and caring.
As a former language teacher, who recognises the value of being able to speak other languages, I’m proud that Outwoods is able to offer high quality foreign language teaching. I also love the fact that the School Council is taken seriously by all concerned. It’s great to visit their meetings and hear from Mrs Bloomer about what they have been doing.
My name is Neil Dirveiks. I have been a Governor at Outwoods for almost 7 years. I was previously a Warwickshire County Councillor and am currently a North Warwickshire Borough Councillor. Before I retired I was a teacher, therefore I have been involved with education throughout my working career. I am dedicated to working to support and improve facilities within the local community and am Vice Chair of the Children’s Centre Advisory Board, a Trustee of the Queen Elizabeth Foundation Charity and Treasurer of the Atherstone Partnership which promotes community events in the town. At Outwoods I am link Governor for Design and Technology. I support the school in any way I can and recently was successful in securing a grant from the Borough Council to support the school’s Warm Hub Project