Reception - Cowboy 2023/24
Welcome to the Cowboy Hat Class page
Our teachers are Miss Cox and Miss Clarke.
In Reception we take pride in helping your child settle into their first year at school by providing a nurturing environment.
We have lots of exciting opportunities to learn and explore through play, following our range of topics.
Our topics for the year are:
Autumn 1 - Marvellous Me, Wonderful You
Autumn 2 - Enchanted Woods
Spring 1 - Home Sweet Home
Spring 2 - Roar!
Summer 1 - Wriggle, Wriggle
Summer 2 - Fantasy Creatures
We have lots of exciting opportunities to learn and explore through play and following our range of topics.
Autumn 1 - Marvellous Me, Wonderful You
The topic this half term promotes discussion around each child and makes their learning relevant to them. We shall look at families and pets and will be discussing each child's likes and dislikes to allow us to get to know them better. The class shall examine the differences between people and celebrate all individualities.
Autumn 2 - Enchanted Woods
This half term we have looked at the changes to the environment and what can be seen happening around us. We have explored Seasonal changes using the sights and smells of Outwoods and have looked at how these changes can affect different animals. Our class texts have provided opportunities to look at nocturnal animals and hibernation and we have also been able to learn about migration.
Spring 1 - Home Sweet Home
This topic allows our children to explore the features of homes around the world, both in the current day and in the past. We use the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs to learn about materials and their key features, looking at which materials would be better suited to build houses and what can happen if we select the wrong ones.
Spring 2 - Roar
This topic allows us to look at the habitats of animals and the world in which we live. Our book 'The Tiger Who came to Tea' allows us to think about where the tiger has come from and how we would feel if a tiger arrived at our door. As we look at the book we can think of the things that we have in our house which may differ in other houses.
As we move through the term we will explore Africa and the differences which we would expect to see in a alternative country, supported by our text 'We're going on a lion hunt' where the children in the story discover a variety of different environments and animals on their walk.
Summer 1 - Wriggle, Wriggle
During this topic we will be exploring our garden and finding out about all the insects living in our outdoor spaces.
We will be reading about worms and caterpillars and learning about the life-cycles of butterflies and frogs and observing the changes that take place.
We will be reading, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and 'Yucky Worms' and using these books to engage us in writing and role-play activities.
We will be learning about the days of the week and repeating patterns as well as comparing lengths and observing come real caterpillars as they change before our own eyes in class.
Summer 2 - Fantasy Creatures
During this topic the children will have the opportunity to listen to lots of stories about magical creatures and create their own. The children will have the opportunity to make potions and write spells and we will also be creating an Octopus's Garden in the Shade in our outdoor area.
The children will read a variety of books including 'The Octopus's Garden' and 'The Bog Baby.'
We will be learning about odd and even numbers and developing our understanding of addition and subtraction.