Year 4 - Panama 2022/23
Welcome to Panamas.
We are really looking forward to working together in Year Four and have already been impressed with your fabulous attitude to learning. I am sure you are going to be very proud of yourselves this year.
Your class teacher is Mrs Bloomer, while Mrs Taplin and Miss Gallett are our Teaching assistants.
Our PE days are Tuesday (swimming) and Friday. Please remember that our PE kit is a house colour or plain white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers with trainers. For the colder months, we have a bottle green hoodie with school logo or the children can wear their usual jumper. Children need to come to school in their full PE kit on PE days. On Tuesdays, for swimming, children need to come to school in their PE kit and bring their swimming kit in a bag. It has been incredible seeing the progress the children are already making as swimmers!
This half term (Summer 2), our topic is called Coastal Waters. We will be learning about cities around the UK. Then we will be learning about the different types of coasts and how these are formed. In maths this half term, we continue to learn about money and also learn about time, statistics, shape, position and direction. In science, we will be learning about the water cycle and how our actions can impact on the watery environments both close to us and at the coast.
In year 4, the children complete a times table check in June. Throughout the year, we will be focusing on ensuring the children can quickly recall their times tables up to 12 x 12. Further information about this can be found on our times tables page.