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Outwoods Primary School

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We are currently learning all about multiplication and division, the children have been practicing their times tables facts which have been helping them complete more complicated mathematical problems, such as multiplication of 2-digit and 1-digit numbers using partitioning and exchange. The children will certainly need to know their times table facts to be able to complete these with rapid recall. Please ensure that children are regularly going on TT rockstars, Hit the Button and/or practicing times tables at home, you can do this in anyway. Ensure children are chanting the whole number sentence to fully embed their knowledge e.g. 1x 4 = 4, 2 x 4 = 8 etc....


Times tables will become very important as they move forward through Key Stage 2. Especially in Year 4 as they are completing their statutory times tables check. It is so important to get them learning now so that they are ready for next year! 


Linked below are plenty of log-in and non log-in required websites that will help your child learn their times tables facts.