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Outwoods Primary School

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Gallery of Good Times

Fantasy Creatures


In our literacy lessons, we have been reading the story 'The Bog Baby'. The children have enjoyed making predictions about his appearance and creating representations. We revealed the Bog Baby and wrote sentences about him. The children enjoyed discussing and labelling features and creating a Bog Baby out of playdough!

Our Bog Babies!

Wriggle, Wriggle


We really enjoyed learning all about worms and making our own wormery!


To collect the worms, we tested 4 different techniques:

- jumping up and down to cause vibrations

- flooding the soil

- twanging a fork

- going on a habitat hunt 


To make our wormery we had to layer stones, soil and sand. The soil and sand then created alternate layers. This took a long time but we were excited about the end result! Finally we put our worms into their new home and put a layer of grass on the top! 
We hope they like their new home 🏡

Charity Dress Up Days