Year 6 - Pork Pie 2023/24
Welcome to Pork Pie Class!
We are in Year 6 and our teacher is Mr McDonald. Mrs Jackson and Miss Downes support us too.
Key Stage 2 SATS
Please find information about the Key Stage 2 SATs here ,
SATs will take place from Monday 13th May- Thursday 16th May.
Important Information
P.E. days - Thursday and Friday. Please remember to come to school wearing appropriate P.E. kit on these days: a house colour or plain white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers with trainers. For the colder months, we have a bottle green hoodie with the school logo or the children can wear their usual jumper.
Forest schools - Cancelled till after the Easter holiday
- Children will need to wear long sleeves and have legs covered, to protect skin from stings and scratches.
- Wellies or old trainers that you won’t mind getting muddy, dirty and often wet.
- Waterproof trousers would be ideal.
- If it is cold then base layers are advisable. They could wear extra leggings or tights underneath trousers and a vest or an extra t-shirt underneath tops.
- Old clothes are best as they will be getting muddy and dirty. Please try not to send children into school in clothes that you would be unhappy to get dirty, or potentially ripped.