Dinosaur Topic Launch
Hidden from the rest world on a mysterious island a team of expert scientists strive to protect, preserve and study a colony of creatures previously thought long extinct.
Working in difficult conditions and constant danger the scientists responsibilities are both to the animals themselves and to the ecology of the island which has sustained them for millions of years.
The Worldwide League for Nature (WLN), the island’s owners and protectors, are concerned that while the team work they are careful not to damage the island’s environment and to work in utter secrecy, keeping the island and its inhabitants away from the world’s prying eyes and those who might look to exploit or damage it.
Furthermore, however difficult their mission might seem, it’s about to get a whole lot worse as the island’s volcano, long thought dormant, begins to show alarming signs of activity.

This morning we listened to the Secret Island story, we then created our version of the island. Then we added the geographical features onto the island. As scientists we travelled to the island through a dangerous storm hearing loud thunder and seeing bright lightning. We jotted down notes and drawings about our journey to the island.
After arriving at the island, we walked along forest pathways and climbed one of the mountains. A little way ahead we saw a creature. We took a photograph of the creature then we jotted down by drawing what we saw, where it was and what the creature was doing. We collected the reports together and displayed them as 'Scientist reports of creatures on the Island'.
Finally, we explored one final case together 'The injured triceratops!' We used our medical knowledge to help the dinosaur and called in for the helicopter to come and air-lift her to the medical centre on the island.