Year 5 - Beret 2023/24
Welcome to Berets!
We are in year 5 and our teachers are Mrs Church (Monday and Tuesday) and Miss Patterson (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember that our PE kit is a white t-shirt and black shorts/joggers with trainers. For the colder months, we have a bottle green hoodie with school logo or the children can wear their usual jumper. Children need to come to school in their full PE kit on PE days.
On Wednesdays, our PE will alternate with Forest Schools sessions. Our Forest Schools sessions this half term will be on:
13th June (This is a Thursday as a one off due to class photographs being on Wednesday 12th June).
26th June
10th June
During this half term (Summer 2), we will be learning about the Stone Age. For English, we will be reading Ug, The Boy Genius, to help us develop our writing and reading skills. In maths, we will be learning about coordination, symmetry and how to translate shape.