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Bluebells Wellbeing
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Outwoods Primary School

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Spring 1

We offered our home-made chocolate to members of staff! We think it went down a treat!

In Geography we have been learning about the journey of chocolate from the Amazon Rainforest to our shops. We made our own dairy free chocolate, and it was amazing!

In English we have loved our book 'The Great Kapok Tree'. For the end of the unit we redesigned the front cover.

In 'Real Life' skills we made our own sandwiches! Yummy!

Erm... Miss Mullis's desk appears to have turned into a mini forest habitat! How on earth did that happen?

It was the RSPB's Big Annual Bird watch for Scientific research. Last Friday Bluebells took part in the Big Annual Bird watch and realised there are so many different types of birds that fly around our school grounds.

NRICH Maths investigation: We thought about different coins and bank notes that are used in the UK. We were challenged to find different ways to make £10.00 - it was a lot of fun!

In 'Real Life skills' we got to have a go at ironing. We were very careful not to burn ourselves on the hot iron.

In computing we created our own electronic music using Chrome Music Lab. In this lesson we focussed on pitch.

We have been practising our times-tables by singing songs and playing games.

In computing we used an electronic music program to investigate pulse and rhythm. We created our own music.

We learned about the Tribes people who live in the Amazon rainforest. We compared how people live Atherstone to how they live in the Amazon! We made a head dress to symbolise our own 'Bluebells' tribe.

Rainforest Topic launch - We tasted fruits that grow in the in tropical environments. We were very brave and even tried a lychee - with mixed opinions about it's taste.

Rainforest topic launch - we used a variety of percussion instruments to create the sound of the rainforest, and the animals that live there.

As part of our 'Rainforests' topic launch, we made our own binoculars so that we could go and explore the Amazon.